sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Vocabulary N°3 "Complex Invertebrates"

1. Jointed leg animal: an invertebrate with an outside skeleton, bilateral symmetry, and  jointed appendages.

2. Appendage: a structure that grows out of an animla body.

3. Exoskeleton: an skeleton on the outside of the body.

4. Molting: shedding an skeleton.

5. Compound eye: eyes with many lenses.

6. Antennae: appendages of the head that are used for sensing, smell, and touch.

7. Spiny skin animals: an invertebrate with a five part body design, radial symmetry, and spines.

8. Tube feet: parts of a starfish that are like suction cups and help the starfish to move, attach to rocks, and get food.

9. Chordate: an animal that, at some time in its life has a though, flexible rod along its back.

10. Endoskeleton: skeleton on the inside of the body.

11.Cold blooded: having a body temperature that changes with the temperature of the surrounding.

12. Gill: a structure used by fish and some other animals to breathe in water.

13. Jawless fish: fish that have no jaw and are not covered with scales

14. Cartilage: a though, flexible tissue that supports nd shapes the bodies of some fish and some animal pats.

15. Cartilage fish: jawed fish in which the entire skeleton is made of cartilage.

16. Bony fish: fish that have skeleton, made mostly of bone.

17. Amphibian: animal that lives part of his life in water and other part in land.

18. Hibernation: the state of being inactive during cold weather.

19. Reptile: an animal that has a dry, scaly skin and can live on land.

20. Warm blooded: having a body temperature that is controlled so that it stays about the same no matter the temperature of the surrounding.

21. Mammal: an animal that has hair and feed their young milk.

22. Mammary glands: body parts that produce milk.

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