domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Vocabulary N°4 "Viruses and Monerans"

1. Virus: a chromosome-like part surrounded by a protein coat.

2. Host: an organism that provides food for a parasite.

3. Parasite: an organism that lives in or on another living thing and gets food from it.

4. Interferon: a chemical substance that interferes with the way viruses reproduce.

5. Vaccine: substances made from weakened or dead viruses that protect you against certain diseases.

6. Bacteria: very small, one-celled monerans.

7. Colony: a group of similar cells growing next to each other that do not depend on each other.

8. Capsule: a sticky outer layer produced by bacteria.

9. Flagellum: a whiplike thread used for movement by bacteria.

10. Fission: the process of one organism dividing into two organisms.

11. Asexual reproduction: the reproducin of a living thing from only one parent.

12. Endospore: a thick-walled structure that forms inside a bacterial cell.

13. Saprophyte: organisms that use dead materials for food.

14. Decomposer: living things that get their food from breaking down dead matter into simpler chemicals. 

15. Koch´s postulates: steps for proving that a disease is caused by a certain microscopic organism.

16. Communicable Disease: those that can be passed from one organism to another.

17. Antibiotic: chemical substances that kill or slow the growth of bacteria.

18. Biotechnology: the use of living things to solve practical problems.

19. Pasteurization: the process of heating milk to kill harmful bacteria.

20. Blue-green bacteria: small, one-celled monerans that contain chlorophyll and can make their own

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